Snowmelter of a part under construction at Toyama station, Ainokaze Toyama Railway is already working.
New Isurugi Station
Ainokaze Toyama Railway Isurugi Station, Oyabe City, Toyama Prefecture, Japan, was renewed from November 27, 2018.
This is the new “North exit.”

The ticket gate on the 2nd floor.

We can enter the station from south side. Oyabe municipal bus began operating a part of bus of Tsuzawa Line, Shotoku Line, Kanda Line to south exit of the station on morning and evening. We can take taxi at the south exit of the station.

We can take Kaetsu Line of Kaetsuno Bus at the north exit of the station as before. “Isurugi-Ekinan” bus stop is 4min far from the south exit of the station.

Cafe and bench.

View point at the south side of the station.